WHEN AND WHERE DINOSAURS LIVED. The creation of dinosaurs. Other extinct reptiles. Dinosaurs in the Fall and the Flood. Dinosaurs through the Ice Age. Dinosaur extinction
DINOSAUR FOSSILS. How to examine evidence. Fossil graveyards. Going on a dinosaur dig. Dinosaur tracks. Dinosaur design. Variation in a dinosaur kind. Fossil "feathers". Original tissue fossils
DINOSAURS IN THE BIBLE. What was Behemoth? What was Leviathan? What was Nachash Seraph? What was Ketos?
TWO QUESTIONS ABOUT DINOSAURS AND THE BIBLE. Two lines of evidence. Question 1 : Do billions of years fit with Genesis? "Days" in Genesis 1. Squeezing the "Age of Dinosaurs" between verses. Creation by evolution? Question 2 : How could most scientists be wrong? How Secularism works. Dating dinosaur fossils. What about radioisotope "clocks"? A spiritual cause and cure.